BTEUP Exam Time Table 2022 UP Polytechnic Exam Date Sheet
BTEUP Diploma Time Table 2022: Students of regular, private, ex-student and backlog can download the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th sem exam routine for diploma polytechnic courses and other courses through the official portal of BTEUP. Diploma results will be declared online after the conduction of even semester exams in the month of May. Students are advised to stay updated on all the necessary information regarding their timetable and check this complete post to gather full information.
BTEUP Diploma Exam Date Sheet
The board of technical education at Uttar Pradesh is responsible for conducting the examinations and releasing the date sheet, results, and other course-related notifications. It is a state board of technical Education & training. The board conducted its first diploma-level exams and DCC courses in the year 1960. BTEUP offers more than 60 courses in different disciplines. The board is responsible for organizing annual semester exams.
Steps to Check & Download Time Table
Uttar Pradesh Board of Technical Education will soon be declaring diploma polytechnic BTEUP Time table 2022. Students who are interested in knowing the exam date, exam time can check with the help of certain guidelines mentioned below:
- Students are required to go to the official website of BTEUP i.e.
- After that, go to the “latest news” section.
- Next, click on “view all news”.
- In the next tab, a news page will be opened on the screen.
- Now, select 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th even semester-wise exam schedule.
- Click on the particular semester-wise given link and gather all the necessary information.
- After checking the information, students are required o click on the “download” tab.
- Lastly, after downloading the timetable, students must make their own study timetable to secure great marks in the examination.
- Uttar Pradesh board of technical education is very soon going to announce diploma course certificate