BTEUP Odd Semester Exam Date 2023 is 25 January to 10 February 2023. The BTEUP has announced the exam date for Diploma First, Third, and Fifth Semester. The exam is going to be held in offline mode from 25 January 2023 in all the districts of the state, the last date of exam is 10 February 2023. If you are also one of those thousands of candidates who were eagerly waiting for the exam date, then you must stay till the end of this article so that you can get other information regarding it.
BTEUP Odd Semester Exam Date 2023
The Board of Technical Education Uttar Pradesh is going to conduct the Odd samester Exam.
in two shifts from the scheduled date, in the first shift and second shift the exam will be held between 09:00 am to 11:30 am and 2:00 pm to 04:30 pm, respectively. It will be mandatory for all the candidates to be present at the examination center at 9:00 am and 1:00 pm for the first and second shift, respectively.
Students who are going to appear in odd semester exam, they can know exam date by downloading UPBTE Time Table 2023, All students are informed that to download odd semester exam date sheet they can get direct link from below. Below we have given a step by step guide to download the UP Polytechnic Time Table 2023, with the help of which you can easily download it and know your exam dates.
UP Polytechnic Odd Semester Time Table 08 january 2023
All the students who are going to appear in the odd semester examination must know that the TIME TABLE which has been issued by the Board Of Technical Education, Uttar Pradesh is tentative, it means that the exam date may be changed. All the students are requested to subscribe to the push notification, so that if there is any change in the exam date, we can inform you through it. Previously, EXAM was tentatively scheduled to be held from 7 to 21 January 2023. But it is tentatively scheduled to take place from 25 January to 10 February 2023.
Officials have not yet disclosed any date or time to release the BTEUP 1st 3rd 5th Semester Admit Card 2023. It is estimated that a week before the exam date, the Board Of Technical Education, UP will activate a direct link to download the UPBTE 1st 3rd 5th Semester Admit Card 2023. If you are one of those thousands of students who enrolled to sit in the odd semester exam for any polytechnic diploma course, you are requested to stay tuned till the very end to get more details about it.
UPBTE Admit Card 2023 Odd Semester Download
Exams for various diploma courses will be conducted in two shifts. 1st shift and 2nd shift is going to take place 09:00 am and 02:00 pm, respectively, candidates who enrolled and are going to appear in Odd Semester for any polytechnic diploma course need to download the 2023 Admit Card and make a print copy. Every single student will have to report at the exam centre for 1st and 2nd by at least 08:00 am and 01:00 pm, respectively.
BTEUP Odd Semester Exam Date 2023
The Exam Time Table for Odd Semester has already been released by the Board Of Technical Education, Uttar Pradesh. Students must know that the exam will start from January 25, 2023 and conclude by February 10, 2023. Duration of the examination is different for different courses, so the exam is going to last till the distinct times for various polytechnic diploma courses. Candidates are required to download a timetable to know his/her exam date.