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BTEUP Applied Mathematics – III book
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Applied Mathematics-III
APPLIED MATHEMATICS –III में आप इस पाठ्यक्रम की सामग्री के बारे में जानेंगे, कुछ प्राथमिक और उन्नत गणित एल्गोरिदम और इंजीनियरिंग समस्याओं को सुलझाने के उनके अनुप्रयोगों की समझ प्रदान करते हैं।
- Matrices
- Differential Calculus
- Differential Equation
- Integral Calculus-II
- Probability and Statistics
Only 5 Chapters That You Have to read in Applied Mathematics – III
And here are the marking scheme according to Chapters in Applied Math – III
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Topic in Applied Mathematics III
- Matrices
- Differential Calculus
- Differential Equations
- Integral Calculus
- Probability & Statistics
- MATRICES : (12 Marks)
1.1 Algebra of Matrices, Inverse :
Addition, Multiplication of matrices, Null matrix and a unit matrix, Square matrix, Symmetric, Skew symmetric, Hermitian, Skew hermition, Orthagonal, Unitary, diagonal and Triangular matrix, Determinant of a matrix. Definition and Computation of inverse of a matrix.
1.2 Elementary Row/Column Transformation :
Meaning and use in computing inverse and rank of a matrix.
1.3 Linear Dependence, Rank of a Matrix
Linear dependence/independence of vectors, Definition and computation of a rank of matrix. Computing rank through determinants, Elementary row transformation and through the concept of a set of independent vectors, Consistency of equations.
1.4 Eigen Pairs, Cayley-Hamilton Theorem :
Definition and evaluation of eign values and eign vectors of a matrix of order two and three, Cayley-Hamilton theorem (without Proof) and its verification, Use in finding inverse and powers of a matrix.
2.1 Function of two variables, identification of surfaces in space, conicoids
2.2 Partial Differentiation :
Directional derivative, Gradient, Use of gradient f, Partial derivatives, Chain rule, higher order derivatives, Eulens theorem for homogeneous functions, Jacobians.
2.3 Vector Calculus :
Vector function, Introduction to double and triple integral, differentiation and integration of vector functions, gradient, divergence and curl, differential derivatives.
3.1 Formation, Order, Degree, Types, Solution :
Formation of differential equations through physical, geometrical, mechanical and electrical considerations, Order, Degree of a differential equation, Linear, Nonlinear equation.
3.2 First Order Equations :
Variable separable, equations reducible to separable forms, Homogeneous equations, equations reducible to homogeneous forms, Linear and Bernoulli form exact equation and their solutions.
3.3 Higher Order Linear Equation :
Property of solution, Linear differential equation with constant coefficients (PI for X=eax, Sin ax, Cos ax, Xn, eaxV, XV.
4.1 Beta and Gamma Functions :
Definition, Use, Relation between the two, their use in evaluating integrals.
4.2 Fourier Series : Fourier series of f(x),-n<x
<n, Odd and even function,Half range series. 4.3 Laplace Transform : Definition, Basic theorem and properties, Unit step and Periodic functions, inverse laplace transform, Solution of ordinary differential equations. >
4.3 Laplace Transform :
Definition, Basic theorem and properties, Unit step and Periodic functions, inverse laplace transform, Solution of ordinary differential equations.
5.1 Probability :
Introduction, Addition and Multiplication theorem and simple problem.
5.2 Distribution :
5.3 Discrete and continuous distribution, Binomial Distribution, Poisson Distribution, Normal Distribution..
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जहाँ केवल पॉलिटेक्निक छात्रो की कम्युनिटी है वहां पर डिप्लोमा ब्रांच, पीडीऍफ़, बेस्ट पॉलिटेक्निक कॉलेज, नए व पुराने छात्र से आप डायरेक्ट मेसेज कर सकते है आज ही रजिस्टर करें|
दोस्तों ,पॉलिटेक्निक खबर आपको पॉलिटेक्निक जॉब, करियर गाइड , गवर्नमेंट and प्राइवेट भर्ती की जानकारी , पीडीऍफ़ नोट्स, ओल्ड question पेपर ,मॉडल पेपर बिलकुल फ्री उपलब्ध करने की कोशिस करता है आप इसे सब्सक्राइब कर लें ताकि हर खबर आपकों तुरंत मिल सके कोई क्वेरी या पीडीऍफ़ नोट्स चाहिए तो कमेंट में जरुर लिखें |
तो आप सभी स्टूडेंट जो सरकारी नौकरी की तयारी मै लगे है वो मेरे इस UP Polytechnic notes pdf की बुक को जो की टॉपिक वाइज है जरुर अपने मोबाइल पर डाउनलोड कर के पढ़े|
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