JEECUP Application Form 2022 Date
The procedure of filling JEECUP 2022 application form included various steps such as registration, filing of personal and academic details, uploading photograph and signature, selection of examination centre and fee payment for JEECUP 2022. All candidates are advised to check the eligibility criteria before filling the JEECUP application form 2022. The examination authority will issue the admit card for all those candidates who successfully submit JEECUP 2022 application form before the deadline. Read the complete article to know the stepwise directions to fill JEECUP application form 2022.
JEECUP Application Form 2022 Date
Events | Dates |
JEECUP 2022 application form date | February 15, 2022 |
Last date to submit JEECUP application form | May 5, 2022 |
JEECUP 2022 application form correction facility | May 7 to 12, 2022 |
Availability of admit card | May 29, 2022 |
JEECUP 2022 exam date | June 6 to 10, 2022 |
Documents required while filling JEECUP 2022 Application Form
At the time of filling out the application form of JEECUP 2022, candidates are required to submit the required details and some documents. Therefore, keeping all the documents handy will make the process of filling the form easy and will also reduce the chances of making an error. A list of all the important documents is given below:
Important Documents required while filling JEECUP Application Form 2022
S.No. | Images |
1 | Scanned image of coloured photograph with a name and date of photograph printed on it. |
2 | Scanned image of signature |
3 | Marksheet and passing certificate of class 10th |
4 | Caste Certificate |
5 | PWD Certificate |
6 | Credit Card/ Debit Card/ Net Banking for Fee Payment |
How to fill JEECUP Application Form 2022

Candidates could access the JEECUP 2022 application form at The step-by-step directions to fill the JEECUP 2022 application form is given below. It is highly advised that all the aspirants must ensure that they meet the eligibility criteria before proceeding towards filling the JEECUP 2022 form.
Step 1 – JEECUP registration – Candidates will have to begin with the registration process in which they will be required to fill personal and contact details. Below is a list of all the sections that a candidate will be required to fill.
Personal Details:
- Name
- Parent’s name
- Identity type – Passport number, bank account, ration card, student ID, or any other valid government id
- Identity number
- Date of birth
- Gender
Contact details:
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- Address
- Locality
- City/town/village
- Pin code
- Email ID
- State
- Locality (optional)
- Mobile number
After filling details, candidates will have to choose and confirm the password by answering a security question and security pin which will be displayed on the screen. After candidates successfully submit the details and generate a password, a unique application number will be generated which will be used for future logins.
Step 2 – Filling of JEECUP application form and selection of exam centre – After registration is done, candidates will have to log in using their generated application number and password. Now, they will have to enter details related to domicile, category, sub-category and qualifying exam. Candidates will also get a chance to select their preferred exam centre.
Step 3 – Uploading of scanned documents – The next step in the procedure of filling JEECUP application form 2022 is uploading all the required scanned documents which include a photograph, signature, and left-hand thumb impression.
Specifications of Image
Document | Specification | File Format | Size Format | Dimensions |
Coloured photograph with name and date of a photograph printed on it. | Photograph should not be unclear/ paranoid/ older than three months. | JPEG | 4KB to 200KB | 3.5cm x 4.5cm |
Signature | JPEG | 1KB to 30KB | 3.5cm x 1.5cm |
Step 4 – Payment for application fee – The final step in the filling of JEECUP application form 2022 is making a payment for the application fee. Candidates will be able to make a payment through online mode or offline mode/e-challan.
If a candidate will choose to pay through online mode, he or she will be able to pay through the following modes:
- Debit Card
- Credit Card
- Net Banking
In case of successful payment, an acknowledgement page will be generated. If no acknowledgement page is generated that means that the payment has been cancelled and the amount will be refunded to the candidate.
If a candidate will choose to pay through offline mode, he or she will be able to pay through e-challan. The steps to pay through e-challan are given below:
- Candidates will have to download the e-challan while filling out the application form. It will contain the details of the candidate and details of the amount to be paid by the candidate.
- A print out of e-challan has to be taken and payment has to be made at a nearby branch of State Bank of India/ICICI. The payment can be in cash.
- Once a payment will be confirmed from the bank/JEECUP, the acknowledgement page will be generated.
Application fee for JEECUP 2022
S.No. | Category | Fees |
1 | General/OBC | Rs. 300 + Bank Charges |
2 | SC/ST | Rs. 200 + Bank Charges |
Step 5 – Printing of confirmation page – After making payment successfully, candidates are advised to take a print out of the confirmation page.
How to check status of JEECUP Application Form 2022
After submitting the JEECUP 2022 application form, candidates will be able to check the status of their applications on the official website. The examination authorities will also send email/messages about the status of submitted applications to the candidates. Candidates are advised to submit all the correct information and upload all the required documents in a format as prescribed by the authorities before the last date. This will give surety to a candidate that the application is not rejected.
JEECUP Application Form 2022 Correction
Candidates are allowed to make modifications in their already submitted JEECUP 2022 application form. The window for modification was available on the official website – Candidates were not able to make changes to all of the details, only some sections of the JEECUP application form 2022 were open for editing.
JEECUP Admit Card 2022
The examination authorities will release the JEECUP 2022 admit card of all those candidates who will submit the JEECUP application form 2022 before the last date with correct details. The authorities will release the admit card for JEECUP 2022 on May 29 on the official website. Details regarding the entrance examination such as centre address, exam date, timings and more are available in the admit card.
संयुक्त प्रवेश परीक्षा परिषद के हाल भी अजब गजब के हैं। परिषद की ओर से पालीटेक्निक में दाखिले के लिए प्रदेश भर से आवेदन मांग लिए गए, लेकिन परीक्षा कराए जाने वाली एजेंसी का ही पता नहीं है। विभागीय अधिकारियों की लापरवाही का ही नतीजा है कि अभी तक परीक्षा कराए जाने वाली एजेंसी ही फाइनल नहीं हुई। इसके चलते परीक्षा कार्यक्रम में बदलाव की भी बात सामने आ रही है। जिसके चलते अभ्यर्थियों को काफी परेशानी का सामना करना पड़ सकता है।
लापरवाही अधिकारियों की, परेशान होंगे अभ्यर्थी : संयुक्त प्रवेश परीक्षा परिषद और प्राविधिक शिक्षा परिषद की लचर व्यवस्थाओं के चलते जहां एक ओर परीक्षार्थियों का पालीटेक्निक से माेहभंग होने लगा है तो वहीं दूसरी ओर नए सत्र में दाखिला प्रक्रिया को लेकर ऐसा रवैया अधिकारियों के कामकाज पर सवाल उठा रहा है। विभागीय अधिकारियों की ही लापरवाही का नतीजा रहा कि अभी तक परीक्षा कराए जाने वाली एजेंसी के नाम की घोषणा नहीं हो सकी। इसके चलते पालीटेक्निक में दाखिले के लिए आवेदन करने वाले अभ्यर्थियों को परेशानी का सामना करना पड़ सकता है।
अभी तक परिषद की ओर से जारी कार्यक्रम : संयुक्त प्रवेश परीक्षा (पालीटेक्निक) – 2022 में अभी तक जारी शेड्यूल के अनुसार, दाखिले की प्रक्रिया के तहत अभ्यर्थियों के पास आवेदन फार्मों में सुधार का मौका दिया गया है। अभ्यर्थी फार्म में हुई त्रुटियों में अभी सुधार कर सकते हैं। संयुक्त प्रवेश परीक्षा (पालीटेक्निक)- 2022 के सचिव रामरतन ने बताया कि पूर्व घोषित प्रवेश परीक्षा के लिए अभ्यर्थियों का प्रवेश पत्र 29 मई से संयुक्त प्रवेश परीक्षा परिषद की वेबसाइट पर उपलब्ध कर दिया जाएगा।
अभ्यर्थियों के अनुक्रमांक, परीक्षा केंद्र का आवंटन 16 मई से 23 मई के बीच होगा। परीक्षा 6 जून से 10 जून के बीच होगी। संयुक्त प्रवेश परीक्षा-2022 के परीक्षाफल की घोषणा 17 जून को की जाएगी। इसके बाद काउंसिलिंग व आवंटन की प्रक्रिया शुरू होगी। इसके तहत प्राविधिक शिक्षा निदेशालय/परिषद से संबद्ध पालीटेक्निक संस्थानों में प्रवेश दिया जाएगा। संस्थावार पाठ्यक्रमों की सीट मैट्रिक्स तैयार करने की प्रक्रिया 20 मई से 15 जून तक चलेगी। आनलाइन काउंसिलिंग 20 जून से 15 अगस्त तक चलेगी। प्रवेश की अंतिम तिथि 15 अगस्त निधार्रित है।
बुधवार को परीक्षा कराने वाली एजेंसी के नाम की घोषणा हो जाएगी। परीक्षा समय पर कराए जाने पर ही पूरा फोकस है। – रामरतन, सचिव, संयुक्त प्रवेश परीक्षा परिषद-2022