[pdf] Download Surveying Study Material for SSC JE Civil Engineering pdf download
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Surveying is the art of determining the relative positions of distinctive features on the surface of the earth or beneath the surface of the earth by means of measurements of distances, directions and elevations. The surveying may primarily be divided into two divisions:
- Plane surveying
- Geodetic surveying
Plane surveying:
The surveys in which earth surface is assumed as a plane and the curvature of the earth is ignored, are known as plane surveys.
Geodetic surveying:
The surveys in which curvature of the earth is taken into account and higher degree of accuracy in linear as well as angular observations is achieved, are known as Geodetic surveying.

Classification based on Instrument used:
- Chain surveying
- Compass surveying
- Plane table surveying
- Theodolite surveying
- Tacheometric surveying
- Triangulation surveying
- Aerial surveying
- Photogrammetric surveying
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