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How to Submit Anti Ragging Form Online?

How to Submit Anti Ragging Form Online?

Dear Friends,


Ragging is a heinous crime. It is very discomforting issue. It has become a part of Indian education system. Many times it hurts the victim’s psyche for life.

Anti-ragging movements should be initiated by the institutions right from the time of
advertisement for admissions. Here is steps how to apply for Anti Ragging form-

Step 1: Go to website

Step 2: Click on Fill Undertaking

Step 3: Choose Stand Alone College


Step 4: Fill Student details


Step 5: Fill Parents details

Step 6: Fill Institution & Course details ( Assume Director as Principal, Institute phone number and Principal name is ono institute website


Step 7: Tick all the UGC regulations & Survey form

Step 8: Submit & get Reference no

Step 9: Click on Undertaking document on Home page to get PDF of documents

Step 10: Submit print of documents in your college.



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