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Polytechnic Computer Science & Engineering से डिप्लोमा में पढ़े जाने वाले Subject [pdf]


Diploma in Computer Engineering: Highlights table

Course LevelDiploma
Duration of the Course3 years
Examination TypeSemester
Eligibility10th completion
Admission ProcessEntrance exam based (May also look at graduation percentage) / Merit Based
Course FeeBetween INR 1 to 5 Lacs
Starting SalaryINR 15,000 to 3 lac
Top Recruiting CompaniesOrganizations, Multi National Organizations, Network fields etc.
Job PositionsTelecommunication Engineer, Telecom engineer, Software engineer, Network expert, technical writer etc.


Diploma in Computer Engineering: Syllabus and Course Description

Semester ISemester II
Applied Mathematics IApplied Mathematics II
Applied ScienceEnglish Communication
Concepts of electrical and electronics engineeringDigital Electronics
Introduction to computer conceptsProgramming using C
Applied science LabDigital lab
Basic electronics labProgramming with C lab
Basic Computer Skills LabMultimedia Lab
Semester IIISemester IV
Computer OrganizationOOP with C++
Data Structures Using CDatabase Management System
Computer NetworksOperating System
Data Structures LabSoftware Engineering
PC Hardware and Networking labOOP with C++ lab
Graphic User Interface LabDBMS lab
Web Designing LabLinux lab
Semester VSemester VI
Basic Management Skills and Indian ConstitutionSoftware Testing
Programming with javaNetwork Security and Management
Web ProgrammingMobile Computing
Programming with java labSoftware Testing Lab
Web Programming labNetwork Security lab

Diploma in Computer Engineering: Career Prospects

Successful graduates on completion of Diploma in Computer Engineering course will be able to work in different career fields both in private and public sectors.

These sectors may include Multi-National Organizations, Network fields, Academic Institutes, Aerospace sector, Defence sector, healthcare companies, retail companies, agriculture sectors, manufacturing companies, testing companies, development areas, maintenance etc.

Major Job Profiles include web designer, programmer, technical writer, networking expert, mobile computing expert, system analyst, software engineer, operations executive, cloud architect and SaaS architect, system administrator, mobile application developer, network administrator, etc.


 After the course, a candidate is also eligible for taking up the higher degree course in same stream or any other specialization in any particular stream.Diploma in Computer Engineering course annual salary

Job ProfileJob DescriptionAverage Salary (in INR)
Web designerOne who designs the websites and develop them in more efficient way to the user4 to 6 Lacs
ProgrammerThe person who is well versed in different programming language and effectively code for software5 to 7 Lacs
System analystThe person who is responsible for finding and fixing the bugs or defects in the component like hardware or any software4 to 6 Lacs
Technical writerWho is more interested in all technical stuff and gadgets6 to 7 Lacs
Cloud architectThe one who is well versed in cloud technology and responsible for building a cloud setup for an organization8 to 9 Lacs


 Diploma in Computer Science & Engineering me padhe jane wale subject.


         दोस्तों स्वागत है आपका 


दोस्तों इस आर्टिकल में हम जानेंगे की Computer Science & Engineering से डिप्लोमा कर रहे छात्र बिषम (1,3 तथा 5) सेमेस्टर में कौन-कौन सा सब्जेक्ट पढ़ेंगे | 


तो चलिए शुरू हैं –

1st Semester (1st Year) में पढ़ा जाने वाला Subject

  • Communication Skill -1
  • Applied Mathematics -1
  • Applied Physics -1
  • Applied Chemistry
  • Fundamentals of Computer and Information Technology
  • Technical Drawing

ये सभी विषय पढ़े जाते है तथा एक Workshop भी होता है-

  • Workshop Practice

3rd Semester (2nd Year) में पढ़ा जाने वाला Subject

  • Applied Mathematics -3
  • Internet and Web Technology
  • Environmental Studies
  • Data Communication and Computer Networks
  • Data Structure Using C
  • Digital Electronics

5th Semester (3rd Year) में पढ़ा जाने वाला Subject

  • Software Engineering
  • Web Development using PHP
  • Computer Programming using Python
  • Computer Architecture and Hardware Maintenance
  • Internet of Things

ये सभी विषय भिन्न-भिन्न सेमेस्टर में पढ़े जाते हैं | 

        दोस्तों यदि आपको Computer Science & Engineering की Study Materials नहीं मिल पा रही है तो Comment करें आपको कुछ Materials Provide करने की कोशिस की जाएगी | 



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