Principles of electronic communication Notes pdf
Principles of Communication Engineering detail BTEUP syllabus for Electronics Engineering, effective from 2021-2022, is collected from BTEUP 2022 Syllabus official website and presented for diploma students. PDF download is possible from official site but you can download the istudy mobile app for syllabus on mobile. The course details such as exam duration, Teaching Hr/week, Practical Hr/week, Total Marks, internal marks, theory marks, duration and credits do visit complete sem subjects post given below. The syllabus PDFs can be downloaded from official website.
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Principles of electronic communication Vidya Question Bank pdf Download
For all other bteup syllabus 4th sem electronics eng 2022 you can visit BTEUP Syllabus 4th Sem Electronics Eng 2022. The detail syllabus for principles of communication engineering is as follows.
The study of principles of communication systems leads to further specialized study of audio and video systems, line communications and microwave communication systems. Thus the diploma-holder in Electronics and Communication Engineering shall find employment in areas of R and D, production, servicing and maintenance of various communication systems. The students should understand the advantage and limitations of various analog and digital modulation systems on a comparative a scale and relate to them while studying practical communication systems.
Learning Outcomes:
After undergoing the subject, students will be able to:
- Explain the concept and need of modulation and demodulation
- Measure the modulation index of the Amplitude Modulated wave and frequency deviation of FM.
- Use different types of modulators and demodulators.
- Obtain modulating signal from an AM Detector Circuit and FM detector
- Use different types of Pulse Modulation Techniques (PAM, PPM, PWM and PCM)
- Classify different radio transmitters and radio receivers.
1. Introduction (04 Periods)
2. Amplitude modulation (06 Periods)
- Derivation of expression for an amplitude modulated wave. Carrier and side band components. Modulation index. Spectrum and BW of AM Wave. Relative power distribution in carrier and side bands.
- Elementary idea of DSB-SC, SSB-SC, SSB and VSB modulations, their comparison, and areas of applications
3. Frequency modulation (05 Periods)
- Expression for frequency modulated wave and its frequency spectrum (without Proof and analysis of Bassel function) Modulation index, maximum frequency deviation and deviation ratio, BW of FM signals, Carson’s rule.
- Effect of noise on FM carrier. Noise triangle, Role of limiter, Need for pre-emphasis and deemphasis, capture effect.
- Comparison of FM and AM in communication systems
4. Phase modulation (04 Periods)
5. Principles of AM Modulators (04 Periods)
Circuit Diagram and working operation of:
- Collector and Base Modulator
- Square Low Modulator
- Balanced Modulator
6. Principles of FM Modulators (04 Periods)
- Working principles and applications of reactance modulator, varactor diode modulator, VCO and Armstrong phase modulator.
- Stabilization of carrier using AFC (Block diagram approach).
7. Demodulation of AM Waves (04 Periods)
8. Demodulation of FM Waves (05 Periods)
- Basic principles of FM detection using slope detector
- Principle of working of the following FM demodulators
- Foster-Seeley discriminator
- Ratio detector
- Block diagram of Phase locked Loop (PLL) FM demodulators (No Derivation)
9. Pulse Modulation (05 Periods)
- Basic concepts of time division multiplexing (TDM) and frequency division multiplexing (FDM)
- Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM), Pulse Position Modulation (PPM), Pulse Width Modulation (PWM).
10. Pulse Code Modulation (05 Periods)
- Basic concept of sampling theorem, quantization, coding and Shanon’s theorem.
- Types of PCM system and its application(Basic idea only)
- Digital modulation techniques.
11. Radio Transmitter (05 Periods)
- Classification of transmitters on the basis of power, frequency and modulation.
- Block diagram of an AM transmitters and working of each stage. Low level and High level modulation.
- Block diagram and working principle of reactance tube and Armstrong FM transmitters
12. Radio Receiver. (05 Periods)
- Brief description of crystal and TRF radio receivers; Need for and principles of super heterodyne radio receiver.
- Block diagram of super- heterodyne AM receiver, function of each block and typical waveforms at the input and output of each block.
- Block diagram of an FM receiver, function of each block and wave/forms at input and output at different blocks
List of Experiments:
- To observe an AM wave on CRO produced by a standard signal generator using internal and external modulation
- To measure the modulation index of the wave obtained in above practical
- To obtain an AM wave from a square law modulator circuit and observe waveforms
- To measure the modulation index of the obtained wave form.
- To obtain an FM wave and measure the frequency deviation for different modulating signals.
- To obtain modulating signal from FM detector.
- To observe the sampled signal and compare it with the analog input signal. Note the effect of varying the sampling pulse width and frequency on the sampled output.
- To observe and note the pulse amplitude modulated signal (PAM) and compare them with the corresponding analog input signal
- To observe PPM and PWM signal and compare it with the analog input signal
- To observe wave form of different modulation Technique (ASK, FSK, DPSK)
Electronics Engineering 4th Semester syllabus
Instructional Strategy:
The subject requires both theory and practical emphasis simultaneously, so that the student can understand the practical significance of the various areas. Visits to instrumentation and communications industries must be carried out, so as to make the students can understand where and how the various instruments are used in the industry.
Means of Assessment:
- Class test/quizzes
- Home assignments
- Attendance
- Sessional Test
- Practical Tasks
Text Books:
- An Introduction to Analog and Digital Communication by Simon Haykin, Wiley Student Edition.
- Electronics Communication System by Kennedy, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd, New Delhi
- Principle of communication Engineering by Taub, TMH Publication.
- E-books/e-tools to be used as recommended by AICTE/NITTTR, Chandigarh.
Principles of Communication Engineering pdf in Hindi